Friday 15 June 2007

5-month-old: Week 4

Your baby's development is now working in your favor when she's fussy: She's increasingly distractible. Intensely interested in the world around her, her rapidly evolving brain zeroes in on things that are new and different. So when your baby is a little cranky, use her growing interest in novelty to your advantage by making a funny noise, singing a song, gently banging a pot — any change from the norm may snap her out of her grumpy mood.
How your baby's growing

Your baby now sees and hears the world almost as well as you do. Her communication skills are expanding rapidly, too, as evidenced by her squeals, bubbling sounds, and operatic octave changes. Her sounds can demonstrate her attitude or response to objects — such as happiness, eagerness, or even satisfaction — with a problem well solved.

At this age, about half of babies babble, repeating one syllable — such as "ba," "ma," "ga," or other consonant-vowel combinations — over and over. A few will even add another syllable or two, making their sounds more complex.

You can encourage your baby by babbling right back at her and by making a game of it ("The sheep says, 'baaa,'" or "The goat says, 'maaa'"). Or, when you hear a syllable you can't identify, just respond enthusiastically with, "Yes, that is a car! See how shiny the red paint is?" Your baby will appreciate your encouraging her by keeping the conversation going.

• Learn more fascinating facts about your 5-month-old's development.

Your life: Coping with not enough sleep

When sleep deprivation is a way of life, it can be hard to function by day. Co-workers who aren't baby wrangling may have little idea of what you're up against. You need a three-pronged approach:
1. More sleep for your baby. At this age, most babies are able to sleep through the night. If yours can't, look into sleep-training methods. Browse our collection of baby sleep articles for ideas.
2. More sleep for you. Try a few of these tricks:
• Take a short nap during your break time at work, if you can.
• Simplify and/or delegate some daily chores so you can get a break.
• Go to bed early and let your partner put the baby down for the evening.
• Establish a consistent sleep-wake cycle. Try to wake up and get to sleep at the same times every day.
3. Good-quality sleep when you do rest. Some ideas for getting the most out of your zzz's:
• Talk to your doctor about herbal remedies and over-the-counter sleep aids if you have trouble getting to sleep. Sometimes getting help in order to induce a few nights' rest is all you need to reset your body clock.
• Make your bedroom sleep-friendly. Keep work and chores off the bed (and, ideally, out of the room). Make sure your mattress is comfortable — if you've had it for eight to ten years, it may be time for a newer, firmer one. Adjust the light, temperature, and noise in your bedroom to your liking. In general, the darker, cooler, and quieter it is, the better. Keep the TV out of the bedroom and turn the radio off.
• Relax before bedtime so you can nod off faster and sleep more soundly. Ways to unwind include drinking warm milk, practicing yoga, stretching, progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and getting a massage.
• Take care of yourself in other ways. Eat nutritious meals and light snacks, avoid caffeine (at least after noon), and exercise regularly. Try to get the most difficult or tiring work you have to do done early in the day, and wind down as the day goes on.

3 questions about: Immunizations

What vaccines should I expect at the 6-month checkup?
The doctor will probably give your baby the HepB, DTaP, and Hib vaccines. The HepB vaccine protects against the hepatitis B virus; the DTaP vaccine against diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis (whooping cough); and the Hib vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae type b bacteria (which can cause bacterial meningitis, pneumonia, or epiglottitis).

How can I make getting shots less traumatic for my baby?
Ask if you can hold your baby in your lap, rather than having him lie on the examining table. Stay calm and distract him by speaking to him in an engaging, soothing voice. Your baby will pick up on your body language. Offer your baby a bottle, breast, or pacifier afterward to soothe crying via sucking. There's some evidence that breastfeeding a baby during an immunization, if feasible, results in less crying and distress. Generally, though, shots are more traumatic for the mother than the baby, who tends to get over the pinch quickly.

My baby is big and healthy now — does he really need vaccines?
In a word, absolutely. The shots your baby has received so far don't offer complete protection. Many vaccines are given in a series over time in order to provide full immunity. Immunizations protect against many diseases that once killed or maimed thousands of children. These serious diseases, including pertussis (whooping cough) and diphtheria, are still common in some places. The risks of not being immunized far outweigh the relatively slight risks, which can include irritability, fever, redness at the site, and crying. More serious reactions, such as seizures and allergic reactions, are very rare. Watch your baby carefully after she's been immunized and report anything more unusual than minor reactions to the doctor.

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